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From: Mark Bloomfield [mailto:tennisgear@ozemail.com.au] Sent: Monday, 16 August 2010 4:24 PM
To: ‘post@tennisandgear.posterous.com
Subject: Cool RPM Blast Review

Tennis Gear Online really likes this RPM
Blast review. He has some some interesting points/

“The observation I want to counter with this review is that RPM Blast is
just PHT in a different color. On the subject of color, black is a great
choice. The difference does not stop there. I could tell from the very first
hit that this was a different string. The responsiveness was there, but with
a little something extra. The ball even sounds a bit different at impact. I
do not have specific measurements, but over the course of several weeks, I
can see increased spin on the ball. This is generally from getting a bit
more dip on the ball with the same stroke. If I really try to put some spin
on the ball, I can get some wicked action ”

RPM Blast Review