Hello Saturday Morning Coaching Students,


Saturday morning players were given a notice regarding a location and possible time change for their lessons on Saturday 13 December. This email is simply a reminder of this schedule change as we were not able to see you last Saturday due to the rain.


At Tennis Gear we want to ensure we provide the best possible coaching programs and progression for your child.

In order to streamline and improve our program we are introducing the new Hot Shots Rally Awards Program.

This will provide our coaching students and coaching team with clearer objectives for each lesson and as a parent you will be able to assess and watch them develop and progress through the stages of the program. You can find attached a document with more information on the stages.


The new schedule for this Saturday 13 December at CLAYFIELD COLLEGE is as follows;


8:15 – 9:00am: ALL Red Ball Hot Shots lessons

9:00 – 9:30am: ALL Mini Red Hot Shots lessons (under the new program, this will be referred to as Blue)

9:30 – 10:15am: ALL Orange Ball Hot Shots lessons

10:15 – 11:00am: ALL Green Ball Hot Shots lessons

11:00 – 12:30pm: ALL PLAYERS. This will be the make-up lesson for any missed lessons throughout the term. It will be a point play based session for all players.


This format will continue into Term 1 2015 at SHAW PARK, however, at this stage there will be no point play session.


If you cannot make the time above, please give us a call as soon as possible to arrange an additional lesson at Shaw Park this week.


If you have any further questions regarding the program and changes please do not hesitate to contact us.


Kind regards,


Shaw Park Tennis Team


Everton | Shaw Park| Morningside | Emerson

[P] (07) 3266 1660

[E] info@shawparktennis.com.au

