Inviting all Parents and Players,


The Club has arranged an information night for parents of students who may be interested in furthering their tennis through a scholarship to College in the USA.  Our speakers will be Chris Bates and Mike Thompson.  Chris is from CB Sports Network and has been assisting Australian athletes navigate their way through the college scholarship process since 2004.  Mike has a son currently playing College tennis in the US and his daughter, Brianna (one of our very own Shaw Park Sharks) is looking to follow in her brothers footsteps in the near future.


Info Night – Monday 11 August

5.30pm at the Shaw Park Tennis Centre

The information night will provide details regarding the process of applying for scholarships, the athletic and academic requirements and what a student can expect from a scholarship.  This night is being offered free to our Club members, non-members $5.


Recently a non-profit club was established by a group of parents at the Centre.  The purpose of the club was to enhance the community feel around the tennis centre and to access grants and fundraising opportunities for the Shaw Park Tennis players and parents.  A Club membership form has been attached if you are interested in joining the club.   Click here for a copy of the Club Membership Form.


This information night will be most beneficial to parents of high school aged students however parents of younger children are welcome to attend.


If you would like to attend the information night, please contact the club via email shawparktennisclub@gmail.comto book your place.


Warm regards,


Lisa Stanaway (Will Barnes) – President

Quyen Nguyen (Quianna&Kara) – Secretary

Jill James (Elliott &Adam) – Treasurer

Tammy Ellis (Zach & Ashley Paulik) – Grants

Tom Tam (James Tam) – Events co-ordinator

