by Gareth Keating | Nov 3, 2014 | Events
Junior Tennis Club Championship Success Over the weekend Tennis Gear hosted their Hot Shots Tennis Junior Club Championships at the Shaw Park Tennis Centre, located on Brisbane’s Northside. The championships boasted a large number of players from all Tennis Gear...
by Gareth Keating | Oct 30, 2014 | Events, Fixtures & Competitions
How can my child learn to play competitive tennis? By playing in a fun and relaxed junior tournament… Our junior players learn and improve by playing REAL tennis. Knowing how to score and play, whilst still having fun! Tennis Gear Hots...
by Gareth Keating | Oct 27, 2014 | Tennis Coaching
Tennis Australia Coach and Player Development Managers Ashley Naumann and Scott Rawlins will be conducting a FREE coaches professional development for all Tennis Gear coaching staff. The session will focus on tennis coach and talent development, and “how...
by Gareth Keating | Oct 24, 2014 | Fixtures & Competitions
Sunday 2nd November 2014 The 2014 Tennis Gear Junior Club Championships is set to take place at Shaw Park Tennis Centre The event is open to all Tennis Gear players who are currently involved with the Shaw Park, Everton, Morningside Tennis Centre’s...
by Gareth Keating | Oct 16, 2014 | Events
Invitation to a Social EventParents and children invited. Test your knoweldge in a fun Quiz Night. Teams of eight will compete in a quiz of general knowledge. FUN-draising for Junior Tennis! Your invitation to...