by Gareth Keating | Jan 7, 2015 | Fixtures & Competitions, Tennis
What a great start to the 2015 Summer Competition here at Shaw Park Tennis Centre. With nearly 30 people coming along to play, the competition is definitely fierce! We hope everyone had a fantastic first night and is itching to come back and play next Tuesday. The...
by Gareth Keating | Dec 24, 2014 | Events, Tennis, Tennis Coaching
BRISBANE TENNIS CLINIC We would like to extend an invitation to your child/children for a trip to the Brisbane International on Sunday 4th January and Tennis Clinic on Monday 5th January. This trip is an excellent opportunity for our players to see the...
by Gareth Keating | Dec 24, 2014 | Events, Tennis
2015 Shaw Park Memberships In 2015 Shaw Park will undergo some exciting changes to offer better service and value to all of our customers. Two types of memberships will be introduced that act to save you...
by Gareth Keating | Dec 23, 2014 | Events, Tennis, Tennis Gear Online
Over the Christmas and New Year period there will be some changes to Shaw Park Tennis Centre’s regular opening hours. Ammended times can be found below. We wish all of our clients and customers a very Merry Christmas and a safe New Year.
by Gareth Keating | Dec 22, 2014 | Events, Fixtures & Competitions, Tennis
2015 Summer League Competition Enjoy tennis in a fun new format, fast paced, competitive, social and extremely fun Register your interest in Tennis Gear’s Summer League competition which will kick off on Tuesday January 6th. The league will run for 4...