Adult Club Champs Tournament

Hi Players,
Congratulations on entering the 2016 Annual Tennis Gear Championships to be held at Shaw Park Tennis Centre on Sunday 7 August.
With our three clubs bringing players from all over Brisbane to compete, we are set to have another successful and fun day of tennis.
Here are some important details for the day:
Please check the following link to check your draws and match times:
For all singles matches please be there to check in between 7.15am & 7.45am 
For all doubles matches please be there to check in between 11.15am and 11.45am
On the Day
The Shaw Park Tennis Club is providing a BBQ for all players for a small fee along with drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic). If you are planning to have a few drinks it would be a good idea to catch a cab!
Don’t forget we are doing a Rio Olympic Theme on the day, so come dressed as your favourite country to win some awesome prizes!
With music, prizes, food, drinks and tennis on the day it is going to be the club tournament of the year.
The Club Champs format for the day is:
  • Minimum of 3 matches each
  • 1 set – first to 4 games
  • Long then short deuce
  • Tiebreaker at 3-3, first to 5 points (Sudden death at 4-4)
  • Winner of each pool will play-off to be club champion
If your court finishes a little early please jump on court and keep hitting.
Can all players please sort out their payment before Sunday. You can do this over the phone or in store.
Alternatively you can pay online at:
Please let us know if you have any questions, queries or problems with the draws by calling Shaw Park on 3266 1660
See you all on Sunday!

All the best,