Get your entry in for the 2015 Tennis Gear Championships!
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2015 Tennis Gear Championships

Entries are now open for our favourite tournament of the year!

Fly the flag for your country and your local centre at this year’s annual Tennis Gear Championship! Shaw Park Tennis Centre will be hosting the event over two big Sundays with adults set to play on October 25 2015 and the juniors on November 1 2015.

The competition is open to all players involved with any of our four centres: Everton, Shaw Park, Morningside and Emerson. It is a great opportunity to have a hit and get to know some of the members from our centres across Brisbane. To celebrate Australia’s recent Davis Cup success, we have decided to make that the theme for this year’s event. Get dressed up, inspired by your country of origin, and come along for a super fun day. There will be prizes for best dressed as well as a classic Aussie BBQ for players and spectators.

All standards are welcome to participate. There will be three adult divisions for both Singles and Doubles- Opens, A Grade, and B Grade. The junior draws will be split by Hot Shots level with Red, Orange, Green, Yellow, as well as an Open Junior division.

Click the links below for a copy of the entry form:

Entries will be closing one week before the day of play, so get yours in quick. Completed forms can be returned to your centre’s office in person or by email.
