Dear TennisGear Players,
Shaw Park, Morningside, Roy Emerson, Northshore and Nudgee tennis players.  
Welcome to the 2019 TennisGear Junior Club Championships.
You are invited to join us for this social adult event to be held for all TennisGear members.
When: Sunday 27th October
Time:  Please see entry form for age group times
Where:  The Shaw Park Tennis Centre
Who:  All Junior Red, Orange, Green and Yellow ball players.
What:  A fun, social tennis tournament experience
How do I enter:  Enter online, return the entry form to the Pro Shop or simply give us a call to put your name down (07) 3266 1660.
More info found on our entry form below.
Entries are now open! 
We hope to see you there.
Regards Shaw Park
Enter now button
2019 TennisGear Club Champs page 1-page0001 TG Junior Club Champs 2019 Entry Form two sided v3-page-0